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Journal heptapod's Journal: I must be new here

Long ago and far away, I lived in a region in the United States of America known as New Jersey. When I came online I realized that TV news was usually a week behind online news. Now I notice that with my morning teeth grind while listening to NPR.
The same thing is happening to Slashdot. Digg is blowing Slashdot out of the water. Kuro5hin is not even a contender being an effete LiveJournal with pretensions of being a tech oriented website.
Today, December 12th 2005, I opened up Slashdot and saw half of the stories on the front page were the same things found on Digg a few days ago. If you read at -1 this would be old news. I'm a bit disappointed but Slashdot, regardless of its Open Source philosophy and liberal bent, has become the establishment and rests upon its obese laurels.
Hell, Slashdot isn't even 'News for Nerds' or 'Stuff that Matters'. It's full of Roland Piquepaille and **Beatles Beatles submitting stuff that they posted at their respective 'blogs' and submitting it to Slashdot in order to get a windfall from Google Adsense.

Fact: Slashdot is dying.

Slashdot: Come for the dupes, stay for the trolls.

Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.
