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Journal geoswan's Journal: Who remembers Easson Jordan?

Who remembers Easson Jordan?

Jordan was a senior CNN official who made a comment about the Bush administration targeting Journalists. This triggered a blogstorm, and a fair amount of coverage in the mainstream media.

I had forgotten him myself. But I had a google news alert on him. And it turned up a new news story that mentioned him:

They Kill Journalists, Don't They?
Bush Targets Al Jazeera? CNN Head Should Get Job Back

I am sure many slashdotters won't consider that Bush might have considered bombing Al Jazeera HQ in Qatar. I believe the Daily Mirror is not a highbrow paper. Let's see if any other papers can substantiate this story.

But the really weird thing is that, other than a couple of hundred right-wing blog-sites, everyone seems to have forgotten this story

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Who remembers Easson Jordan?

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