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Journal benhocking's Journal: Another conservative getting into the conservation game

I wish! Actually, Rep. Richard Pombo (R-Cal.) has crafted a bill called the Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2005, which has already passed the House and is on its way to the Senate. We need to do everything we can to defeat this Act. This Act is worse for endangered species than the Clear Skies Initiative was for clear skies. The Sierra Club has written an excellent piece describing both where Pombo's money comes from and why this bill's name is a misnomer.

Here's one interesting excerpt (of many):

Pombo has a peculiar notion of whale recovery. For years, he has avidly promoted the resumption of commercial whaling, a position opposed by 78 percent of the U.S. public (as well as by the Bush administration). Pombo has been a keynote speaker at meetings of the World Council of Whalers, an organization whose Web site provides recipes for Filet of Whale With Mushroom Sauce and Whale Pie.

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Another conservative getting into the conservation game

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