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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Hmmm....future plans...realizations... 3

Ok, 4 glasses of wine...but really I've been thinking abotu this for a while. I even have a journal half written, ok fully written, that I wanted to post regarding what I think marridge is (and will post most likely tomorrow).

But, really, how do you talk about marridge with the man you love and want to spend yor future with? There's part of me that doesnt't want to outright tell him I want to marry him because I want him to ask the question, romance ensues, whatever...and I don't to broach the talk without insinuating too much.

But things are going really well, even with all that I bitch about on this blog there is so much good that overcomes it. I vent, yes, but my boyfriend has made so much progress...beign willing to go to councelling, opening up and growing stronger. I don't write about it much here, because that sweet look he gives me is precious and I liek to keep that to myself, but I vent the negative so it doesn't fester in our relationship.

But. I can really see a future with him. I want to grow old by his side and make so many good memories together.

But how to talk about it when he's overcautious and guarded, not wanting to end up in divorce or making a mistake. I don't want divorce wether, having experienced the painful breakup of my own parents. BUt I think that we have the love to sustain a marridge along with building the comunication skills to sustain a long term relationship.

Anywhoo. I've been wanting to write about this for a while.

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Hmmm....future plans...realizations...

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  • Sounds like he'll want to date for a long time. I dated my wife 5 years before I asked her. My brother dated his wife 8 years...

    Then there's my wife's side of the family. Her sister dated her husband 3 months before getting engaged. A lot of other relatives on her side are similar. We're the longest dated before engagement on her side, and I'm one the shortest on my side.

    I say talk to him about the possibility and if he sounds uncomfortable talking about it, drop it for a while (at least a few mont
    • Ya, I do think you're right. And right now's a bit too change ridden that I think it might be too much for him, seeing as we're moving to a new city and looking into purchasing a house together. That adding a discussion of the big M might be a little too much change at one time. Maybe next spring, when the wildflowers are out and we are both settled that it will be a better time to talk of things.
  • Just because you talk about it doesn't mean you pop the question.

How many hardware guys does it take to change a light bulb? "Well the diagnostics say it's fine buddy, so it's a software problem."
