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Christmas Cheer

Journal frankie's Journal: It's the same it's the same in the whole wide world

(I was too busy to post this yesterday)

Why can't I live a life for me?
Why should I take the abuse that's served?
Why can't they see they're just like me?
I'm not the one that's so absurd!

As expected, the local "alternative rock" station (thankfully not a national franchise clone) played my long-ago teenage anthem a bunch this past week. Aside from reminding me that the iTunes gift certificate I received a couple Xmases ago is about to expire, it reminded me about the sadness of wasted youth. My own of course, but also my archetypal distant cousins, the Columbine killers.

Last week I reminisced about high school with some co-workers. I described my trenchcoat nerd clan, and one of our writers immediately piped up "Were you into Skinny Puppy?" Why yes I was, them and most of Wax Trax. Hmm...I think I figured out what to buy from ITMS.

How many fellow /. geeks were in the "dark outcast" clique? If any of you are young enough to know, what do today's outcasts call themselves? listen to? dress like? If not, what was the official name/style/music of your olden-day branch of the clade?

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It's the same it's the same in the whole wide world

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