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Journal bechthros's Journal: Fitzmas eve 5

Twas the night before Fitzmas, and all through the land
Not a lefty could sleep with indictments at hand!
The bloggers were frantically cutting and pasting
With visions of the charges neo-cons would be facing

OK, I've embarassed myself enough.Merry Fitzmas, everybody.

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Fitzmas eve

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  • for the blogsplosion!

    I hope my rss reader doesn't meltdown...
    • I just hope the indictments aren't for piddly-shit little nobodies. I want Rove and Libby, at least. Celebrating with good (non-lite) beer tonight.
      • Why are you celebrating? This is a dark day for our Nation. Is there no depth you Librah's won't sink to in your quest to Destroy America?

        Also, Perjury and Obstruction offenses are basically technicalities. Just read what Sen. Hutchison had to say about them:

        I very much worry that with the evidence that we have seen that grand juries across America are going to start asking questions about what is obstruction of justice, what is perjury. And I don't want there to be any lessening of the standard. Because

        • Also, Perjury and Obstruction offenses are basically technicalities.

          You forgot the rest of the sentence: unless it deals with getting a blowjob.
          • I think the lesson here is , It doesn't matter what you lie about . It's who you lie to .
            Clearly ,lying to your whole country about a matter which will involve tens of thousands of deaths Is far less important than :lying to a bunch of judges about having your intern sucking the pocket python .

            You see Judges are obviously more important than normal people , The only offence worse than lying to them is lying to your sponsors.

            Do you think Clinton would have been on trial if Haliburton had of made Condoms and

Oh, so there you are!
