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Journal SarahAnnAlien's Journal: D...?

So, today's kind of a big day.

I'm meeting someone for dinner tonight, and a social activity tomorrow. Sort of a D... no.

We're not using the d-word... it's a "just friends" kind of thing... but I think the d-word applies... it's just a d-word with no complicated expectations other than having fun spending time with someone special.

Which is probably a good thing, since this is my first real d-word sort of thing... ever. Ever.

I was very nervous and excited yesterday. Today, I think I feel... bemused, maybe?

Even with no complicated expectations, all sorts of new feelings have been coming up all week. It's fun to be experiencing this, but scary too... I don't know how to interpret these feelings. I don't know what to do with them.

I talked with a girlfriend about some of the feelings, and she said, yes, that's pretty much what it's like to feel like a teenage girl.

In honor of the occasion, I decided not to dress like a slob today... so far, two different girls have gone out of their way to tell me I look "cute" today. Which is cool. It's really interesting how different I feel because I'm dressed "nice". Even though it's what most people call "casual", it really does change my whole mindset.

Just a few more hours to wait...

It isn't hot in my office. So why am I sweating?

A successful [software] tool is one that was used to do something undreamed of by its author. -- S. C. Johnson
