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Journal benhocking's Journal: Becoming a conservative 5

With all of this stuff like Friends of Science, the USA PATRIOT act, and the Clear Skies Initiative, I've been thinking more and more about becoming a conservative.

What I mean by that, of course, is redefining "conservative" to mean what I already believe - not changing what I believe to become what others think convervative means. For one thing, I think "conservative" means "conservationist". They sound alike, don't they?

I think this might work since as you've no doubt heard - no one ever went broke or lost an election by underestimating the population's intelligence!

Who's with me?

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Becoming a conservative

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  • I’ve considered myself a conservative in many ways since I was a teenager. I can’t help it if the term has been redefined to mean “theocratic authoritarian” in recent years. I’m all for rugged individualism, the power of the free market, a return to the values on which this nation was founded and things like that. I simply have different meanings for those terms than the people at the top of the Republican Party at the moment, but then again, so does pretty much anybody who pai
  • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
    Ultimately, changing names or definitions mean nothing. You are what you are. The question is how you look at yourself.

    Comparatively, homosexuals say that "coming out of the closet" gives them a sense of inner peace, even pedophiles express some form of struggle ending when admiting to their own being. Personally, i admit to being a socialist at heart even though i'd never force my views on anyone. In a sense, i believe in conservative rule, with everyone optionally becoming a socialist.

    You are what you are
    • It may mean nothing to you and me, but to others the term "liberal" has a meaning totally separate from its actual meaning. It means sinister, lascivious, un-American, etc.

      My goal isn't to pretend to be something I'm not to make others happy. It's to redefine "conservative" so that people who think that they "ought" to be conservative can be conservative, but can still be good people. These people don't seem capable of supporting common-sense conservationism (as opposed to the other side of the spectrum kne

      • It may mean nothing to you and me, but to others the term "liberal" has a meaning totally separate from its actual meaning. It means sinister, lascivious, un-American, etc.

        Only in conservative circles. Conservative would find the same sense of derision in liberal circles.

        It happens everywhere. Introverts think extraverts are shallow; extraverts think introverts are selfish. Parents think children are irresponsible, children think parents are authoritarian. Republicans think Democrats are stupid, wishy-washy

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