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Journal Chicks_Hate_Me's Journal: Confoming Anti-Conformist 1

Conforming Anti-Conformist

Whether you realize it or not we are all conformists in one way or another. Of course there is some that notice this intense bullshit called society and what they consider 'normal.' I've started to notice that I truly do not fit in with what we call society. And I don't mean it in that bullshit "goth" way where all the fuckers claim that they are expressing their "individuality" by looking the same. I mean it in a way that I have very little in common with anyone. Even with slashdot, you'd figure that fellow computer geeks would get a long, but we don't. You see, I don't masturbate to endless episodes of Star Trek, I'm not good at math, and I really don't care about programming in general. So what about the opposite? I don't really fit in with the typical jock/prep/yuppie group either. I don't have nice clothes, I don't own a nice car (or a car for that matter,) and I don't have a girlfriend.

Ay, there's the rub. A Girlfriend. Everyone has probably had at least one girlfriend in their life (if they haven't, they're probably billionaires by now.) Even I've had my fair share of girlfriends. The problem I had is, I always acted different around the ladies. Guys do it all the time. In fact, they make all these damn sacrifices just to be with a girl. Why? Why must I conform and change my ways, just so a girl will like me? Throughout history, most people can agree that males have been the dominant sex. I highly disagree with that. Women have so much freakin control over a guy's life it's just insane. Women still claim that they are discriminated against, I ask "where?" In fact I believe the statistics are biased. One study claims that men are still getting paid higher than women. Of course, they didn't include important things like experience, training, education, etc. The things that normally determine pay. In fact, at my local university, females make up 66% of the school's population. In the future, I believe that we will see that the pay rate will be equal and eventually females will be getting paid more than men.

So back to the fact I can't get a girlfriend. Can't you see it already? Women can't change me, they're either going to accept the fact that I love computers (note: love,) or not show any interest in me whatsoever. So far they are choosing the latter. So what's the big rush to find a woman? Why don't I just wait? Uhh I have, all senior year, and even now. Am I in a big rush? No. But my friend said some very devastating words to me the other day:

"18 is when you are in your prime."

I don't know about you, but I find this very depressing. Why? Think about it, I've done practically nothing sexually with my life, and now it's all going downhill? By the time I truly find someone I love will I need to use viagra? Why didn't I do this kind of stuff when I was younger? When society said that you shouldn't have sex. Ah yes, there is comes again. Society. Society tells you while you're in your prime that you should wait. Wait until I can't get it up anymore? What I suggest to youth is:


Have lots of sex! Have sex with multiple partners, have sex with multiple orifices. In fact, have so much freggin sex that you just get tired of it. Then you'll want to have a loving relationship. Because seeking a loving relationship first is usually a big mistake. You see, take me *ahem* "bob" for example. Bob met a cute girl that seemed to have a crush on him. She asked Bob out and Bob said yes (of course I...errr Bob would say yes!) Bob really liked this chick, Bob wanted to have a serious relationship with girl. Girl decides that she's "bored" (!?!?!!!!) with Bob and decides to cheat on Bob with another girl. That's why Bob's favorite song now is "Pink Triangle" by Weezer. The chorus goes

"I'm dumb, she's a lesbian. I thought I had found the one.
We were good as married in my mind, but married in my mind's no good."

You see? Don't be like Bob. Fuck for the sake of fucking. God invented orgasms, so use them, they won't last forever.

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Confoming Anti-Conformist

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  • ...to your place in life. I remember back when I started listen to Slayer to fit in with a certain group of anti-social punks. I never really liked Slayer, and I still don't. And I don't give a shit about those people any more. But back then, I placed Slayer in the "normal" category. The fact is, normal changes. Normal is a concept that generally ties to who you care about or what social group you wish to "belong to." People of devote themselves to a "normal" that differs from yours will tend to look down upon your "normal." That doesn't make them more normal, or you less normal. It just shows their inability to distinguish the relative aspect of the concept of "normal." I just had to get that written down. Hope it helps...or something.

186,000 Miles per Second. It's not just a good idea. IT'S THE LAW.
