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Journal infoterror's Journal: Putting Race in Context

We cannot view race in modern terms, as function. In functional terms, we need people to do the menial jobs, and we like economic competition as it gets us cheaper products and thus empowers us to comfort at a greater level. When one thinks functionally, race is not part of the equation (functionalist thinkers are limited to the present tense, and cannot project themselves ahead several generations, to the point where one must begin looking to see why race is important). In functional terms, any person is as good as any other, because they will be indoctrinated with laminated cards covered in pictures of idealized workers doing idealized tasks, and the tasks will be broken down into such simple fragments that even an idiot could do them. Culture, heritage, community, etc. are impediments to profit, not its enablers, and profit is what allows even the lowest among us to enjoy comfort and, if they are wise enough to generate greater profit, to rise to the heights of our society and become "elite" for their wealth.

Do you suffer painful elimination? -- Don Knuth, "Structured Programming with Gotos"
