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Journal SarahAnnAlien's Journal: Weekend Review

DSL Line: remains up and functional. Built-in firewall appears to be configured appropriately now.

Server box: installed and ready to go, after some struggle to get the box patched... but needs server software.

Dual Boot Box: It should really be *duel* boot... XP put up quite a fight, but installed ok once I could get the installer disk to boot without crashing. The linux side... some struggle to get the box patched. Had to wipe and start over to get it to work. Sigh.

G5: boots. And that's about it. Needs to be cleaned and rebuilt. Maybe next weekend; I'm sick of computer chores at the moment! Aren't all of these machines supposed to work for *me*? For the moment, it's the other way around.

Soldering: done. And some drilling. And even some hot glue action! Results... not bad for skills that are fifteen or twenty years old. I definitely need to get a magnifying lamp, though, and the lighting could still be better at my work table. The output from the circuit is... much clearer, more uniform interference than before. Oh well, it's a start. More research is needed... but I knew that. Actually, that's kind of the point.

Sewing: didn't get around to it. Will make time this week. I have enough eyes and furry material for at least three or four stuffed animals, but I've yet to try even one! You'd think I could at least crank out a tribble cyclops or something! I also have enough material to try a large bag or purse.

Crying: no tears this weekend. Too busy... plus a routine change in my meds probably helped too. Doesn't help the situation, though. I'm learning to cope.

Phones: not being answered... I'm not really in the mood to talk to people these days. I did talk to Dad though. Grandma's in the hospital, and nobody's sure what's wrong; these days, she's incoherent enough that she has trouble explaining what hurts and how long it has been hurting. Poor dear. I should really go visit.

Yawn... that's about all that happened this weekend... and now it's Monday. Yuck.

We can predict everything, except the future.
