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Journal woodsrunner's Journal: L. Dennis Kozlowski

Back when I was a young guy racing bikes, Tycho's was one of my sponsor. They paid me to win races and I did.

Tycho's even had a big executive party at one of the stages of the Tour of Texas and I got to meet L. Dennis Kozlowski. Everything was great, I had an apartment, a van and travel money I was doing pretty well for an eighteen year old.

Then the execs at Tycho's hooked up with Paul Newman and they just dumped our team to sponsor Paul's car racing team -- like the guy doesn't have enough millions from being a movie star.

They just pulled the plug on us mid-season and it pretty much crushed what at the time was one of the best teams in the US, sure 7-11 was better, but they had much deeper pockets and we had a good deal of wins and top riders to be a formidible underdog.

I know bicycle racing was an obscure sport back then. And I am truly grateful that Tycho's sponsored us because it really made my life much better. I was still below the poverty line, but I was making it.

It may be sourgrapes, but to this day I won't buy any Newman dressing or food, it's overpriced garbage anyways. He might have me legs broken for this, but I think he's disgusting.

As for Dennis, he's going to do hard time and I wish him all the best. I wonder if Paul Newman's going to visit him at Riker's.

Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him.
