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Puzzle Games (Games)

Journal daniil's Journal: A battle within your mind 5

From the same people that brought you Tetris 1d, here's the first mono multiplayer game (MoMPG) ever: Twinoo. In this fast-paced, action-packed game, you'll have to pit the right hemisphere of your brain against the left hemisphere. At the same time, you'll have to cooperate with your "other self", for all it takes is three mistakes from either hemisphere and the game is over.

And yeah, it will make your brain hurt.

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A battle within your mind

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  • I suck, very cool though
    • My current record is 89. I'm not too sure if my left hemisphere really dominates over the right one like the game results seemed to indicate, but it appears that I'm much better at maths than I am at mixing colours.
      • Memorizing the matching colour patterns is fairly easy, though.
      • You don't even need to be better at math. Even people who are bad at math have probably done a lot more drilling and rote memorization on adding/multiplying/etc. single-digit numbers than they have on mixing colours.
        • I wouldn't know, as I never really experienced such drilling. I was pretty much drilled to do calculations "the right way" (ie on paper, not in my head), though -- I didn't want to at first, because I would make tons of mistakes when, say, multiplying numbers on paper. It's a problem I've always had, and a very big problem when doing maths: the operations I do in my head aren't necessarily the ones I write on the paper. I might write a minus instead of a plus, and so on -- as if the part of my brain control

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