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Journal Abm0raz's Journal: things about me 4

Why not...

1. I'm 5 years younger and 50-70 pounds heavier than everyone thinks I am when meeting me in person.

2. I have never lost a chugging contest.

3. I dressed for 2 pro-hockey games (though, only got to actually play for 30 seconds in the second one).

4. I loving playing guitar, but only accoustic guitars.

5. I've never been out of the US.

6. I hate to travel in general.

7. I hate to fly, but I love to skydive.

8. I've moved 11 times in my life, but all 11 have been within 150 miles of each other. 3 times back to the same house.

9. What most people consider "good" beer, I hate (guiness, bass, blue moon, la fin du mon...) and what most people consider bad beer, I also hate. (anything carrying the Bud name, miller lite, natty, beast, Coors, schlitz,...)

10. I make money playing online poker.

11. I do like most amber beers, be they lagers, bachs, or ales.

12. I've been declared dead twice.

13. I have 2 joints in my body made of mostly nickel/titanium.

14. I put on my resume for my last job under "special skills" that "I can hit a softball REALLY REALLY far." (yes, I got the job)

15. In the last 3 years, I've put a total of 6,000 miles on my car. If I can finish fixing it up, I can apply for "classic" plates in january.

16. I have an overactive immune system that can often incapacitate me in the form of allergies, bursitus, excema, and dehydration.

17. I do not drink coffee or tea. In fact, I try to avoid caffeine in all forms (though, I do occasionally enjoy a coke or cherry coke).

18. I hold all stupid people in high contempt (yes, that includes myself at times)

19. I am staunchly libertarian. I believe that people are allowed to be assholes, stupid, or otherwise non-social without any repercussions from the government, but at the same time, they should be in no way rewarded with gov't support or monies beyond what they've personally paid in taxes, especially disaster relief or social welfare.

20. I'm currently being sought after by 3 debt collectors because I refuse to pay doctor's bills if they got the diagnosis (and therefore treatment) wrong. I will pay if they correct themselves, but if I have to go to another doctor because the situation got worse, then no money for you ... ESPECIALLY if it's a reasonably common problem or ailment that they should've gotten right. The bills are for $26, $75, and $230 respectively.

21. bonus factoid: I hold language in contempt. Especially english. More so grammar/spelling nazis. If people didn't make their own little changes, then we'd all still be speaking ould english with the "thee's", "thou's", "thine's", "ere's", and non-phonetic spellings than anyone could care to cry about. For anyone that doesn't think it'd be that bad, try reading "Canterbury Tales" in their original middle english. Olde english is barely related to that because of the evolution of the language to suit the people rather than the elite.

22. Bonus factoid #2: I never preview or proofread. I find it dishonest and it denies the original writing (but not so much the intent).


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things about me

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  • 10. I make money playing online poker.


    I'm doing ok, the bankroll is moving up slowly. Been getting a ton of brutal beats lately.

    My live play has been superb though. Have made the final table (medium sized tourneys, around 100-150 people) about 65% of the time. Not too bad. Too bad we aren't playing for serious cash....

    I need to get back into the big tourneys on Stars.

    You hit a big pay day recently?
  • by crimes! ( 907248 )
    i certainly feel enlightened.
    • enlightened? But i've yet to touch you with my noodley appendage... (if you don't understand ... se my sig and ask Tom).


One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
