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Journal Beryllium Sphere(tm)'s Journal: Best of Slashdot

On the subject of Mars exploration:

How soon until this happens? (Score:1)
by GWBasic (900357) Neutral on Friday September 09, @06:27PM (#13523851)
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How soon until someone proposes that we not worry about the return trip and leave the astronauts there permenently?
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Re:How soon until this happens? (Score:2)
by Quinn_Inuit (760445) Neutral on Friday September 09, @06:44PM (#13523918)

Heck, if I weren't married, I might take that trip. I don't know. Dying doesn't exactly appeal to me, but I could do a lot of really useful research, set up stuff so future expeditions don't have to be one-way...and see Mars. I'm no astronaut or scientist or millionaire, so I doubt I'll see it any other way in my lifetime.

I know it sounds crazy. But to walk just once under an alien sky...darnit, our children deserve the stars, and someone needs to claim that inheritance for them. IMO, if you've never looked up at the sky and wondered why we're stuck here, well, call God and see if you can get a refund or warranty repair job on your soul.


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