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Journal the_mad_poster's Journal: For Your Reading Pleasure and Personal Edification 6

I have decided to begin a set of HOWTO documents documenting how I did stuff. This will include the common and obscure tasks of day to life, from computing to car repair to cooking (which maybe I should avoid, but...).

So far I have completed two HOWTOs:

HOWTO: Make a Patch Cable
HOWTO: Remove and Replace an H-Pipe on A 1999-2002 Ford Mustang GT

Some of these things, such as the latter, will be done when I learn something new. Others will be done as I complete tasks I already knew how to do but don't do commonly, such as the former.

In the works:

HOWTO: Repair clothing tears with needle and thread
HOWTO: Build a FreeBSD Router w/Firewall, DNS Caching and Qmail
HOWTO: Run multiple sites on localhost with one Apache instance

These will be located at in the form of a series of text files. I will also include links to other, specialized lists of HOWTOs.

No guarantees on how long this project will interest me though.

This discussion was created by the_mad_poster (640772) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

For Your Reading Pleasure and Personal Edification

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"Unibus timeout fatal trap program lost sorry" - An error message printed by DEC's RSTS operating system for the PDP-11
