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Journal myslashdotusername's Journal: more on the family of tree dwellers.

i don't talk about em much, but let's shoot, Dad, well, he was 'smart' he should be as smart as me, hell, he even had a Full academic college scholarship, which he lost because he didn't keep grades up. but as smart as he was, he fucked up. He's never worked at a place more than 7 years, and he hasn't left for 'carrer building' reasons. he's left because he's an idiot. he can't handle hard work, he wanted an easy pencil pushing job, and the state didn't offer him that, so he left that. and big companies didn't offer him that, and he doesn't trust them either. so a series of crappy jobs working at various banks across the tri-state area... and he never could support his family.

Mom overspent, she had the power of the purse, and well, she picked my dad (she looked like a beauty queen back then) over all the other guys. but all things told, they didn't make a terrible choice in each other. they'll be married all the way to the grave, and how many people can say that :) Well mom has the best job she'll ever have, a nice state job, and just because she doesn't like the new boss she's all whiny about it. mom, who the hell else is gonan pay you enough to repay yoru massive credit card debt, that You racked up After dad and you got Seperate Finances (dad still is shafted with the 1/4 mil in credit card debt* from years of living off plastic.) That's what i thought, now shut up your whining mom you cant learn to live like white trash then LEARN TO WORK and stop Crying when The Gov't Doesn't pay you to sit on ur fat ass all day.

Just to note, by parents are married still, they have 'seperate finances' because they've been workign different jobs in different places for quite a while, and then it just became easier for them both to keep finances seperate.

*= Yes, I just said my parents have at least a 1/4 mil in debt :p so what? they actually have nearly 1 milllion in debt if you count the two morgages.
but the properties at current assessed values are probably a hair shy of 3/4 a million.**

**= yes i pulled all these numbers out of my ass k thx, but they're damn close enough.

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more on the family of tree dwellers.

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