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User Journal

Journal Syrae's Journal: Mooooo....

I have discovered through a small sampling of submissions that:
1) I find too many related cow stories to submit, and I don't have a clue why.
2) The editors don't like cows.

Based on this evidence, I believe there is some kind of massive cow-related cover up being perpetrated by our Slashdot Editors who must be under control of malicious bovine overlords.

In other news, a small community of Tauren in World of Warcraft on the realm of Bloodhoof seem to be contracting BSE, popularly known as Mad Cow disease. Blizzard has isolated the Tauren on Bloodhoof, and are beginning to test other realms for evidence of the condition. It seems odd that they care about BSE, but they completely ignore the plague-ridden undead known as the Forsaken or the massive amounts of rats that seem to inhabit most of the major cities in the world (who may be carriers of any number of deadly diseases as well.)

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