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Journal myslashdotusername's Journal: Freeciv abuse :)

gems/resource/pheasant/buffalo/spices are all the 'same' tile but of those gems absolutely sucks, resource absolutely sucks, buffalo is ok, as is pheasant, but what absolutely rocks is 'spices' as much gold (with road) as gems, as much food as an irrigated grassland :) so, turn those buffalo into spicy swamps it's worth the fact that it takes 6 engineers about 5 turns to make it a swamp. the only downside of this is that 'global warming' can turn swamp tiles into ocean (whale) tiles. which are about as good as a buffalo, but can never be converted back to a swamp/spice (afaik, since engineers can't walk on water) freeciv needs to make a ruleset that adds the new units and rules from later/different incarations of civilization already ;) (like alpha centari, or call to power, or civ 3 rules etc) we like the old civ rules too, one shouldn't be required to abandon the old units/rules just to play the new ones, although new units == new tileset issues... the basic engine seems to be adaptable enough to allow new units/rules... but the ai they have now is carefully balanced for the current units... AI's are damn hard to program,

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Freeciv abuse :)

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
