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Journal the_mad_poster's Journal: More Journalists Killed in 2 Years In Iraq Than... 2

... 20 years in Vietnam... BUT... I wonder.

Okay, so in 10% of the time we've matched 100% of the fatalities.

1. How many journalists are in Iraq vs. in Vietnam.

2. What is the average distance of a journalist from the front line (given that the whole country is the "front line" thanks to our idiot government's absolute failure to plan for the inevitable collapse of the country's already strained defenses, we'll consider the "front line" anywhere not in the Green Zone).

3. How many died in accidents vs. friendly fire incident vs. enemy fire incididents in each war?

4. What is the ratio of journalists killed to American troop strength over those 20 years? Bear in mind that the buildup in Iraq was immediate while the 20 years in Vietnam includes a stint where we didn't even technically have "ground troops" fighting.

I hate it when organizations publish this kind of thing. Yes, the Iraq war is total bullshit. Yes, Bush and his administration have created a situation where everyone involved is in an excessive amount of danger. Yes, identifying the countless layers of bullshit and peeling them away is important.

However, if you're going to release this type of statistic, you need to make sure that you provide all of the contextual data and you need to make sure the media has it in sound bites they can feed to the moronic, attention-deficit-afflicted public. This is the type of thing that makes the valid concerns of the liberals look like the screaming stupidity of the neo-cons. This type of nonsense is no better than when those idiot Rove-humpers invent some new slogan like "up or down vote" to conceal their own duplicity and lack of any actual valid position.

Liberals have every reason to be concerned about the misdirection of this country and have countless ways to highlight it. This does not do that.

So don't fucking publish it.

This discussion was created by the_mad_poster (640772) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

More Journalists Killed in 2 Years In Iraq Than...

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  • The people who didn't speak out against the war, and even were cheerleaders for the war, should be happy to give their lives for the war.

    Let's get Fox reporters to sign up.

There is very little future in being right when your boss is wrong.
