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Journal FirstNoel's Journal: Working from home... 2

What a beautiful F^&%ing friday....

All week I've been working from home, I went into work briefly Wednesday, but could stand it yet.

Anyway, today I am P.O.'d. I normally work 7:30 to 4. Last night I got an email at 5pm saying, "The QA Server will refreshed tonight. Please back up your work."

First thing you have to understand, the moron's in HQ, do not understand the proper way to setup a development system. We currenty have 3 systems, Development, QA, and Production. I'd do development on the Dev server EXCEPT, the data is 3 years old, and it's missing it's configuration.

So Dev gets done on QA, which gets refreshed every Friday NIGHT. not Thursday night at 6pm.

To continue the story, we've been working on setting up another plant. I've been working on alot of the production ordering system.

All the work I've done for the past week is now gone. I could have taken the whole week off, and been exactly where I am today.

It's bad enough my insides want to scream before this... I feel like decking someone.

I'm pissed at myself too, I shouldn't trust those igits, I should back my stuff up everyday.

I'm hoping my boss gives them an ear full.

This day has not started off well.

Happy f'ing Friday.


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Working from home...

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  • i'll tell you what, i'll send a salamander or two after them, but in the meantime, you just try to chalk up the work as 'practice work that kept you busy.'

    and hang in there, we're all rootin' for ya.


A motion to adjourn is always in order.
