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Journal bechthros's Journal: Angels in the snow

Remember when we were young
And the days would pass
Remember when we were terror-strung
That it wouldn't last
Remember when we would drive around
Evenings in the grass
And then the nights
And then the prize we found
And the days would pass
And the days would pass

Remember nights you spent wondering
When I would come home
Entire days I spent slumbering
And left you alone
Can you tell me where the time has gone
Cuz I miss it now
It's not easy getting a grip on
You not around
You not around

Do you remember the day you knew
You were going to go
The day you realized it came down to
What you want versus what you know
I still remember those steps you took
Down old Town's end road
While all I could seem to do was stare
At angels in the snow
Angels in the snow

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Angels in the snow

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