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Journal Kymermosst's Journal: 17 Swimming Pools (Idiot of the week award!) 1

Read this comment.

With the increasing price of oil, I can't help wondering what the face of computing is going to look like five or ten years down the line. The average computer uses as much as seventeen swimming pools worth of coal to run on any given day. Much of this is spent on wasteful peripherals we could do without, such as fancy 3D graphics cards or optical mice, but even more is being spent on processing power well beyond the needs of the average user. (Emphasis mine.)

I'm sure he's just trying to troll, but that statement is so insanely stupid (mad props to the fast thinkers who did the math in some of the replies) that it is inexcusable even for a troll. A good troll should sound plausible, not plain idiotic. A good troll has finesse that makes it amusing and effective on those who were targeted.

This post was just flat-out stupid. It was either a very bad attempt at trolling, or the result of a genuine lack of gray matter on the part of the poster. This post was so idiotic that, for the first time ever, I am going to put someone on my foes list.

[ Update: Okay, second foe ever. I don't remember why the first guy was on my foes list, though.]

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17 Swimming Pools (Idiot of the week award!)

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