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Journal denidoom's Journal: Fedora Core 4 and cheap @ss hard drives

I was really really sick last week with the flu. I tried working from home but my gimped GIMP skills *har har* are non-existent so I pretty much slept for 3 days awaking every once in a while to check email and wheeze and saying silently I wish Adobe ImageReady worked with Crossover Office (Photoshop works mediocrely and is at least useable).

So at some time last weekend during a bout of cabin fever I went to Office Depot to buy overly priced printer ink and saw Maxtor 7200RPM, 60G hard drives on sale for $30 each. No rebate or anything, just on SALE. So I bought myself one and it sat on my floor for about 4 days.

Last night I finally decided that for practicalities sake, at least until I make time to learn GIMP, I would re-install XP on the 80G drive (it's about to crap out anyway), and on the new 60G I would install Fedora 4.

Everything went well and I only had to modify xorg.conf twice and the nvidia driver is also playing nice. I've decided to switch my desktop to KDE. I'm pretty excited about this new pristine installation.

Re: the XP drive, it only has Photoshop 7 and ImageReady installed. I did not install MS Office because Open Office works really well for me. So I've vowed only to use XP when I must use Photoshop stuff. Well, that might be a lie. There are a few games that only work with Windows that I *might* install but really I have so many other things I need to do right now I should stay away from games.

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Fedora Core 4 and cheap @ss hard drives

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