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Journal Ingolfke's Journal: Patterns for trolling

Many of us have heard about patterns and their application to programming. It's the new rage for all the kids these days. Being the pragmatic programmer (substitute crappy for pragmatic if you'd like) I've taken the concept of patterns and refactoring and applied it to Slashdot troll posting.

We're all familiar w/ troll patterns on Slashdot. "In Soviet Russia", "Old Korean People", "Imagine a Beowulf cluster of those" (a personal favorite of mine) and the old classic "Hot Grits". So anyways... I've taken the BSD is dead troll (not limited to Slashdot) and refactored it to be a little bit more relevant and yet still interface well w/ the old-timers still comfortable w/ the original BSD is dead troll. Basically it works like this...

Someone posts anything about a current technology, say technology X... and you post

Sounds like "X" is following Gentoo and BSD down the path to oblivion.

This ticks of the BSD folks because you've just assumed that BSD is dead and it confuses the hell out of the Gentoo-fanboys because they thought their distrobution was thriving (it may be... I don't really know or care). Anyways it's oddly entertaining.

Here's a lame example.

So now that I've explained my troll technique... I'm clearly very "ghey" (as the kids say these days) and I hate you all.

please love me.

After an instrument has been assembled, extra components will be found on the bench.
