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Journal Kaorimoch's Journal: Points of View 1

One of my favorite sayings is "Perception is Truth. Of course, Truth is also Perception."

Our view of how things are comes from our environment and often we consider the way we view things to be the correct way. This is a terrible fallacy and one which limits and blinds our vision of how things could be.

Take for example an argument that piracy is good. Certainly there are arguments that it could be so, but there are arguments that refute that position. You can analyze hard data, you could take opinion polls, you could discuss is ad infinitum with learned people and watch debates between entrenched parties.

But often what comes to form our opinion is nothing more than systematic reactions from our own environment. In other words, the way we have learned to perceive things determines what is "truth" to us. Our perception guides us to what we consider to be true.

But on the other hand, suppose that there is an answer to a given problem. To take my earlier example further, lets say that there is an answer to piracy. Instead of trying to nail down an answer we perceive to be true, we attempt to shift our perception. We take the problem on from a myriad of views, from the commercial parties, the government, the justice system, the public, the users of the works, etc etc. We can perceive the problem in a more global sense and consider further how one might solve it. Instead of forming an entrenched position with our "truth", we attempt to find a truth that encapsulates all parties.

When you consider a problem in a discussion try to alter your perception to find the truth, don't alter the truth according to your perception.

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Points of View

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