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Journal Kymermosst's Journal: More of What is Wrong in the World 3

My wife and I were driving home from the grocery store today, following a car full of high school brats driving erratically. Suddenly, I thought that I saw some liquid come out of their window at a bicyclist. Not sure, I continued driving.

As I turned to a different road and they continued straight, I had just finished turning when my wife exclaimed: "They just threw something at that guy walking on the side walk!"

"Did they?"

I hurriedly turned around in an apartment complex driveway and managed to catch up to them (legal speeds, I promise!). I eventually caught up to them on the freeway, after a lucky guess that they'd taken the ramp onto it.

As I get behind them, they started dumping stuff out of the window, including cups of Dairy Queen Blizzards or equivalent.

Keep in mind that it's now about 5:15 PM, right when rush hour is getting into full swing.

Now, I was just originally planning to just yell or glare at them up until this point. But, I *hate* litter. I also hate people that create hazardous situations on the road. And, I *hate* little fucks who think they can get away with it.

I tell my wife, "call 911". She does.

My wife tells the events thus far to the 911 operator, gives a description and location, and the operator says they'll dispatch the police immediately.

I hope they catch these brats. I really hope to get the phone call from the police saying they found them. I'd *love* to testify against them.

There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. I did some stupid things at that age, but *nothing* that amounts to assault, littering, and creating a potentially dangerous situation by dumping objects onto the freeway.

No excuse. If you engage in this kind of behavior, I've got two things to say: One is that you are a lesser human being, and the second is that you really need to grow up and become a responsible person.

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More of What is Wrong in the World

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  • I'm not sure where you are geographically, but thanks anyway. I agree that these idiots need to face some repurcussions.

    There's a road near where I live (outside SLC) which runs along about halfway up the side of a mountain. Has a great view and usually a nice breeze so I took to walking along here every other night or so. Often I take my digital camera with me to snag shots of anything that might catch my eye.

    One night I was holding my camera about to take a photo when a truck full of these same sort of
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    I swear it is things like this that make me want to get a portable vcr/camera (or some kinda camcorder setup) for my car. I think we will see more things like this in the future, since now kids can pull junk like this without much fear of getting caught. It used to be in the "good old days" everyone knew everyone else (and their kids) but that is no longer the case. I would bet money that about half of the vandalism in the city I live in would go away if parents kept better track of their kids. It really is
    • Some friends of mine have come up with just the device. They call it the Asshole gun. The idea is to put a small digital camera in a conveniently amiable housing and load it into all new cars. When someone does something stupid you point the gun at their car and take a shot of the plate. The data is then uploaded to the local PD and a kind of "moderation system is used to figure out who the real Assholes are.

      The trick is how to punish them. The initial idea call for large fines something like a Red Li

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