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Journal linuxurious's Journal: Real(ly) going open source 3

RealNetworks, you know it's the company that bring you RealPlayer, Real Audio and (I think) the first Internet multimedia streaming, is going open source via a dual-licensing scheme in an effort to resist the domineering efforts of you-know-who. In addition, it should come to no surprise that RealNetworks wanted to tap on the talents of volunteer (read free) hackers.

It seems that this dual-licensing software developmental paradigm has seemed to catch on particularly in areas where you-know-who has a presence (in fact, you-know-who seems to be absent from nowhere). With Netscape/Mozilla and Staroffice/ already in the bag, we should expect more to come along this way. Isn't there any better way? Perhaps but why deviate from a workable plan? A sure blueprint for success (or total failure depending on how you see it)

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Real(ly) going open source

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