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Journal lithron's Journal: SQLite 2.x - 3.x upgrade 1

If anyone here is planning on upgrading from SQLite 2.x to 3.x, let me suggest reading the documentation rather well. Then go back and read it again.

Now, learn to love the ".dump" command.

I spent about 3 hours of my time this weekend upgrading Movable Type to version 3 of SQLite. If I'd have been intelligent it would have taken about 30 minutes.

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SQLite 2.x - 3.x upgrade

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  • Just for future reference (although you may have already made the logical conclusion) every piece of database software with which I have worked has changed the on-disk structure between major revisions. Some provide a more seamless migration tool, but most need a dump and restore.

"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
