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Journal lithron's Journal: SCO Unix why does thou tempt me so?

Thank goodness for unix.old!

I was relinking a kernel because we removed one tape drive (an old Colorado floppy-cable tape drive) and were putting in a SCSI Seagate drive. So I removed the old tape drive settings and relinked the kernel and rebooted. The machine powers down and comes back up and an instant kernel panic happens.


So I had the on-site tech (remember, I do phone support) boot from unix.old, and we started over. This time I added "BOOTMNT=RW" to the /etc/default/boot file and magically the next kernel rebuild worked great. Thank goodness for 'man boot'.

Now I'm going to go cry, because the company I work for STILL supports SCO Unix 5.0

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SCO Unix why does thou tempt me so?

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Remember the good old days, when CPU was singular?
