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Hardware Hacking

Journal mekkab's Journal: Take That! Hot-Lanta! 9

That is right, the DC metro area has edged out Atlanta in terms of having the worst traffic. We're still trailing to little burgs in Cali, though.

According to WaPo:
Only the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas have worse traffic than Washington. This year's big mover was Atlanta, which debuted in the "very large" city category at number four, just a notch below Washington. There is hope for those inclined to see things in a perverse sort of way: Washington cut in half the lead San Francisco holds on the claim to second worst.

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Take That! Hot-Lanta!

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  • Let me be the first to say "Congratulations". Kudos to you on your accomplishment.:)
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • got 'em. Heading to Post office now. The check is in the mail?
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Now that I've been bitten by the exchanging cds bug, what Stereolab don't you have?
          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • Uh, let's see...There' I got...uh....


              Oh, that makes it easy. "Dots and Loops" and "Emporer Tomato Ketchup" for starters. Then we'll see if you wanna go "Mars Audiac Quintet", "Cobra and Phases", or maybe the more experimental/un-even stuff like "aluminum tunes" and "first of the microbe hunters"... I'd save "
              Transient Random Noise Bursts With Announcements" since I'm sorta half-on half-off with it.

              At the very least "dots" and "emporer" are the places to start; no doubt.

              As for the bli
  • I'm really starting to hate my fellow man.
    Especially when they clog 400N around 4:30pm M-F.


    In other news, it looks like the ATL has finally arrived.

    "and at number four in our medium-sized largest cities with the worst traffic we have Atlanta."


Entropy requires no maintenance. -- Markoff Chaney
