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Journal Beryllium Sphere(tm)'s Journal: Best of Slashdot

by John Sokol:

Has anyone ever stopped to think about how well evolution works? And that it's all encompassing.

It's an inescapable law of nature. Everything from our software and computer designs (meme's) to music, language and DNA based life is affected by evolution.

Not only that, it's impossible to create something not effected by it.
Even our views of God and our religions evolve. (what blasphemy)

After studying evolution for some time, I became a believer in GOD! Because only god could have created something as powerful as evolution.

My argument goes like this. If we are made in Gods image, and we make machines and tools to build more complex things. Then shouldn't God also? If God were to what would that tool look like. EVOLUTION....

So all this arguing over GOD vs. Evolution is totally stupid. No Evil.

I see science as the study of God's creation. It's sort of our responsibility to understand is and in doing this we can come to know God better

Disraeli was pretty close: actually, there are Lies, Damn lies, Statistics, Benchmarks, and Delivery dates.
