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Journal CheeseburgerBlue's Journal: 17 Drawings, Redux

One rainy Saturday last November I documented my day in a series of whimsical illustrations. I touched on the usual subjects: my toddling daughter, my sexidelicious wife, our menagerie of beasts and our giggling adventures here at the Gilford Old Schoolhouse.

I broadcast the drawings in a Scoop post along with captions. It went over very well, and was widely surfed. It continues to be widely surfed. It's six months later now and I'm still getting fan mail. Superdiva, who supports the arts like Atlas the world, told me I should offer the story in a printed edition.

So now I am. I've made a storybook. Want one?

StoryZoo Studios presents: 17 Drawings , by Cheeseburger Brown

I received my proof in the mail today, and I'm quite satisfied with the printing job. Nice quality paper, too. Overall, I'm very pleased with the whole Lulu experience. I did get gummed up by some pesky technical gremlins that none of their support staff or so-called "master users" were able to shed any light on, but I eventually managed to figure out a workaround myself. Colour me MacGyver.

If you didn't see 17 Drawings when it made the rounds on the web last autumn you should bear in mind that it isn't really appropriate for little children, unless they already know where babies come from. It is not a smutty book per se but certain allusions are made with reference to heterosexual hardware interfacing. It is the story of my day, after all, and not my toddler's.

If you enjoy the storybook, please pass the link on. I'm busking for your pleasure, sir or madam, and that link is my upturned hat.
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17 Drawings, Redux

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