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Journal Mulletproof's Journal: Tale of the Free PSP - Part FOUR

Yes, it's been awhile since we posted PSP news, mainly because I just up and forgot about it. Of course, I started out watching it everyday, but that got as exciting as watching grass grow, so I just immersed myself in my new job and World of Warcraft.

Needless to say:
"Congratulations! We have approved your account and referrals. You may now order your totally FREE Sony PSP."

Hooyah! Granted, I have no idea of the exact approval date, but it's here now, so we click on the "redeem" button, add all the shipping info and... Annnnd... Well, it took a few minutes, but:

Thank you for your order!
We hope you enjoy your order from! Status: Processing

The most humorous part about this is that there is actually a button that says "Canel Order" yeah, I'll be doing that... Soon, right? har har. that's it for now. Fairly painless so far.

Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future. - Niels Bohr
