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Journal ObitMan's Journal: Metamod strategy 2

Crapflooding is not Trolling or Flamebait. All crapfloods moderated as such will be metamodded as "Unfair". Crapflooding is offtopic.
Frost pists are not trolls, they are offtopic as well.
Feel free to interject your own ideas.

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Metamod strategy

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  • yep, sounds good to me. I also mod redundant as unfair. Half the time the mods aren't moderating correctly. Hell, why mod up a post all the way to 5, get a few of the other ones to 2 or even 3.

    BTW, I worked in Bloomington/Normal for about a year and half. Was back in 98-mid99. Ok town. StateFarm owns it. Every person I talked to either worked at State Farm or had someone in their family that did. Heh, I figure I paid for just about every pool stick on that wall at Ride the 9. (Shooters, whatever you wanna call it.)

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
