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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Coming Home Soon...

This weekend was Penguicon where I played WoW. Also, I played WoW. And I had a surprisingly interesting panel on the age of the open source hobbyist with Nat Torkington and ESR. There was some lively discussion. I was entertained participating. I hope others had fun too. Also, I played WoW.

With just one night home I packed up and went to Cleveland (which is nothing like Howard the Duck made it out to be) to speak at Case Western. The talk went really well. The audience seemed very responsive. Clearly a large contingent of hardcore Slashdot readers. They even hooked me up with fantastic prizes to give away. I tried to use my cellphone as a clicker for the presentation, which usually works, but the stars were apparently misaligned... oh, and I tend to pace when I talk... right out the range of bluetooth devices ;)

This afternoon I'm going to visit the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame which everyone tells me is a glorious waste of time... but they are doing a huge Tommy exhibit and my obsession with Pete Townshend knows no limits. So therefore it beckons to me like... well... WoW.

After the drive back to michigan I think I get to stay "Home" for several weeks. That will be great. Time to level and pet the kittens.

"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
