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Journal mekkab's Journal: G-burgher to Balto; redux 11

It went something like this;
at 6:30 on the frickin' dot, 124 to brink road/sundown to 97 to 70 to 40 to light street by 8:00 am.

Damn. An hour and a half.

We may try tinkering with the above route (more time on 70?) but I'm thinking 495-95-395..., what could possibly go wrong?! (or maybe taking 28 across to 95...)

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G-burgher to Balto; redux

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  • That 270 South to 495 East merge? You're braver than I thought.
  • Stay off the DC beltway. Its a madhouse starting at 5:30am.

    Trust me on this Mekka. 28 for teh win. Listen to the radio for closures.
    • okay. Combined Voodoo of 270 and 495 == power I can't take. I'm no ninja. 28 it is.

      Listen to the radio for closures.

      Like on 28 and 95? If its bad enough, abandon ship and take 70->40?

      • Learn every road in between and the shortcomings thereof.

        29 is a decent option running parallel to 95, Route 1 isn't.

        70 / 40 has 144 running parallel to it.

        Its actually worth the $12.95 to get the local ADC map books.
  • Buy a fuckin helicopter and chopper yourself in everyday.

    I thought you were pimp Mekka?

    What is this "stuck in traffic" BS?

    Come on man, RIPTIDE their asses.

    Then you and Siel, I mean, Lando, can Colt .45 their asses as you run up in the sky so deep, it be cryin.

    (Have I used the Delta thing too much lately? I don't think so)
    • Then you and Siel, I mean, Lando, can Colt .45 their asses as you run up in the sky so deep, it be cryin.

      You thought it was rain!

      (Have I used the Delta thing too much lately?

      An Emphatic NO!!!

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