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Journal Pirogoeth's Journal: [Baby] Brand New Headcount! 10

My wife went in for her weekly checkup yesterday, and the doctor didn't like her blood pressure and ordered a stress test. She failed it, and was admitted and induced. (Two weeks before the due date.)

A few hours later, we had ourselves a new baby boy!

That was a bit of a shock, as the doctor gave us a 95% shot that we were having a girl. We didn't tell Thing One, so she didn't get her hopes up for having a sister, then suddenly pull a bait and switch on her and give her a brother instead. Didn't matter. When we told her it was a boy, she burst into tears. She seemed to get over it pretty quickly, though, as she was all smiles when she finally saw him.

Thing Two was interested, but at only three, I'm not sure that it's completely set in yet that that little thing is coming home to live with us. We'll see in a couple days...

Mom and baby are doing fine. The labor was relatively short, and she only had to push a few times.

He was a biggun' as well... 9 lbs. 3 oz, 21". And that's two weeks early. Who knows how much bigger he would have been if he showed up on time...

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[Baby] Brand New Headcount!

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