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Journal Pirogoeth's Journal: Guess the Pictures 9


For the top row, I have {unknown}, Oliver Hardy, Redd Fox, Douglas Adams (Thanks, peacefinder!), Karen Carpenter, John Steinbeck, and Lionel Barrymore
Bottom row: Hoot Gibson, Clara Barton, Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, Grover Cleveland, Rudolph Valentino, and Woodrow Wilson.

Anybody have any idea who #1 in the top row is?

The fun part is, once I figure out who all the people are, I somehow have to figure out a GPS coordinate out of them which will land somewhere in (probably) Racine County, Wisconsin...

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Guess the Pictures

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  • ... is Douglas Adams.

    1 looks a little like Linus Pauling, but it's not him.

  • And no, I don't know who 1 and 4 are either. Sorry.
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Colonel Sanders w/o the beard/moustach? Or maybe Thurl Ravenscroft? Yep just grasping at straws here.
  • How many numbers/letters are in GPS coordinates? IE what do they typically look like for that area?
    • It's probably going to be

      North 42 mm.mmm'
      West 87 mm.mmm'

      Seven digits in each part, seven pictures in each row. I'm assuming that the first two pictures in each row correspond to the 42 and the 87. If I can figure out how to derive those in a consistent way, I can get the rest.
      • Probably a simple code, like take the first letter of their firstname and count that many letters down the alphabet to get the number. Or do that with first letter of first/last, add them together, and count that many down the alphabet. Or it could be find the numbers for all the letters in their name, add them up, and then use the first or last digit in the final number. Or any combination of the above :-) Good luck!
  • #1 looks like the actor Peter Ustinov.

An engineer is someone who does list processing in FORTRAN.
