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Journal citizenc's Journal: [Insert Sound Of Heart Snapping In Two Here]

Well, I did it. Check out the ICQ log, included below. This message was typed while listening to "Wish" by Nine Inch Nails.

CitizenC: Can I ask you something?

Person X: Of course

CitizenC: How can you tell when a girl likes you?

Person X: I dunno, depends on the girl...why?

CitizenC: Well.. I know somebody who I -THINK- has a thing for me, but she is too shy to say thing. I'm not sure how to handle the situation.

Person X Do something about it...be aggressive...may I ask who?

CitizenC: Be agressive about it..?

I want to handle the situation as delicately as possible.

Person X: Make something happen...otherwise you could lose your chance....

Are you gonna tell me who it is?

CitizenC: Maybe later. =)

I'm awful at making stuff happen, though. What would you suggest?

Person X: Tell me or I'm not helping you.

CitizenC: On the other hand, this person is a VERY flirty person, so I may be getting a false positive from that.

She's been acting shy and quiet around me more lately.. I've been told that this is because she doesn't want to do anything out of the ordinary, or
something to that effect.

Person X: That's very possible, I tend to do that to ppl accidentally....

I dunno....does she flirt with you differently? Or like she does with everyone else?

CitizenC: She's been more touchy lately, that's for sure.

Person X: That could mean something, I have no idea...

Do I know her?

CitizenC: *Pulls hair* What am I supposed to do? Should I just ask her directly? Do some crazy detective work? Ask her friends?

I don't know.. you've probably met her once or twice in passing.

Person X: Just ask her....friends usually have a pretty good idea too...

CitizenC: But I don't want it to hurt our friendship.

Person X: Asking her so that you're clear on what's going on won't hurt anything...

CitizenC: So, your advice is to just ask her straight out?

Person X: Uh huh, but if something bad happens don't blame the advice-giver :)

CitizenC: Interesting you should put it that way..

Person X: How come?

CitizenC: Do you still have feelings for me?

I've been getting this vibe from you for a while. I'm just curious.

Person X: No, I don't.....friends Cary, 'tis all...

You know I'm a flirt...I'm sorry though, that I give you the wrong impression :(

[Insert sound of heart snapping in two here.]

CitizenC: Cheers. Just clarifying. =)

Person X: Alrighty, clarifying is good :) See, wasn't hard, was it?

CitizenC: Actually, you have absolutely no clue how difficult it was..

Person X: Yes I do, I've been in similar situations.....we have to deal with this crap, we're teenagers..

CitizenC: Heh. Nothing like this. =) I don't know.. I couldn't help but feel anger towards Cory for treating you the way that he did.

Person X: How do you know? :) Aww..don't be angry, he's learned his lesson...maybe, I hope...

CitizenC: I don't know... honestly, lately, I've found myself missing dating you. You really are an amazing person.

Person X Really? You're not missing anything...I'm messed up...

Thank you, it's nice to feel appreciated :)

CitizenC: You're not messed up! However, I don't think that Cory saw the real you. He didn't appreciate you at ALL. What a dofus. =)

Person X: Yeah, he was stupid and he knows it....he heard it a lot at work..lol

CitizenC: LOL! I can only imagine.

I've been giving it a lot of thought and I think that a relationship between the two of us would work. It didn't a year ago (we both had stuff going on
then) but we are now a little older, a little wiser.

Person X: I really don't think so Cary...I just don't feel like that anymore...
I seriously think you need to move on....go meet new people, find a girl who really likes you..

CitizenC: Yeah, you're right. Ignore my rantings. =)

Well, THAT sure did suck.

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[Insert Sound Of Heart Snapping In Two Here]

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
