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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: Fuck the New Jersey turnpike

Hello all.

Do you know the New Jersey Turnpike?

It sucks ass!

Such an ugly, slow and boring road.. like, who would want to travel to NJ anyway? The only people who go there are Kevin Smith fans, or people who want to get the fuck out of that area (the Newark airport). And yet, it's a toll road. Does it makes any sense?

If anyone wants to fly to NYC, I'd recommend to avoid Newark and fly to the JFK airport instead. That way, you can also get into NYC with the subway (which costs 1.5$) instead of using the port authority bus (11$)

Btw: The Anime Web Turnpike sucks too.

Update (23.03.2003): So why did I write this useless journal entry? Because I encountered the word "turnpike" before, but I never knew what it is and didn't bother to check since I hated that word, and when I finally saw what turnpike is, I decided that my hatred towards this word was justified.

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Fuck the New Jersey turnpike

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