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Journal WidescreenFreak's Journal: I'm an über-moderator - I guess

Well, THAT'S interesting. Moderator status for the third time in roughly two weeks. What's odd is that I don't particularly mind, not because of any power trip, though. I nearly wanted hunt someone down when I saw his sig, which said something to the equivalent that there are too many positive moderators out there, which is why he always moderates down. I hope that we was kidding. If not, he should never be allowed to have moderator status again -- ever.

It's because of that kind of attitude that makes me glad to moderate. Three times moderate have I, all times positive mods did I.

Don't get me wrong. There were plenty of times when I wanted to smack down some big-time ignoramus to make sure that his post never got read, but I will not reduce myself to that level. I'll just let him live in his own ignorance and save my points for those who truly deserve recognition for their comments.

Part of it is my fault, though. In trying to be a fair moderator, I now see everything, including posts that most people would never see because their settings by default filter out such drivel. So, I get to see the small handful of f*ckwads that get to boost their miniscule egos with false "coolness" factor by posting utter crap just for the sake of posting. Since when were computers able to be used by amoeba who happen to live under rocks?

Then again, I guess it is more than possible considering how many jackass moderators use their points negatively. Have to take the bad with the good, I suppose. Fortunately, I'm here to support the good.

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