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Journal Ephebo Panda's Journal: ATTN EPHEBOS: Should I post tasteful teen nudity? 1

My friends:

Thanks for all the support and encouragement you've given me throughout my tenure at trolltalk, and for all the feedback and suggestions regarding the photosets I've posted. Knowing my work is appreciated makes it all worthwhile, and so I promise I'll never stop as long as even one other person is still interested.

There have been a lot of requests for nudity, so I'm going to try running this up the flagpole to see if anybody salutes.

I own two hardcover coffee-table books by David Hamilton, a world-famous photographer best known for his nude photographs of young women. The two books I own are The Age of Innocence (1995, ISBN 1854103040) and David Hamilton: Twenty Five Years of an Artist (1992, ISBN 1854102664). You can order both of these books (and others) from any online bookseller or through your local bookstore such as Borders, B Dalton, or Barns & Noble. Most chain bookstores have Age of Innocence in active stock (along with similar books by Sally Mann and Jock Sturges) and can order Mr. Hamilton's other books for you.

David Hamilton has been photographing nude underage teenage girls (among other things) for his entire adult life, and that's quite a while. The two books I have are nothing but adolescent girls in various states of undress (not counting the still-lifes and landscapes in Twenty Five Years, but I skipped over those pages). There are many photos of girls examining their blossuming bodies, touching themselves, enjoying life in their natural states, expressing physical affection for other naked adolescent girls, hugging or kissing other girls, etc. It's hot stuff.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything in Mr. David Hamilton's books, and in this post, are 100% legal by the laws of the United States and of most other civilized nations, because there is no sexually-explicit content. Amazon and the major bookstore chains would not sell these books if they weren't legal. Millions of copies have been sold, and the books have already withstood frivilous legal challenges by fundamentalist Christians, some of whom actually picketed the bookstores or entered the stores and destroyed copies of the books. Every court case has verified that these books (and the pictures in them) are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Child pornography laws do not apply to these images because they do not contain sexually-explicit content. This is the law in the United States. If you live outside the United States, consult your country's laws before clicking these links. END DISCLAIMER.

I scanned 8 pictures of undressed underage girls from the books:

Please tell me if you like these & want me to scan more. Scanning them & getting them ready to post is rather time-consuming (several minutes per picture), so I'm not going to waste my time if nobody appreciates them.

Please take this poll. I will scan & post one picture from the books for each Yes vote, but each No vote will cancel out one Yes vote.

POLL: Should I scan and post more of David Hamilton's photographs of nude adolescent girls?
  Yes. High-res pics plz. I'm rather into that shit.
  No, because I don't like the style of photography or his selection of models.
  No, because I am opposed to the posting of photographs of underage girls to Trolltalk.

I will close with the inspirational opening words of The Age of Innocence by David Hamilton:

Virginity is paradoxically erotic. Young girls, reaching the Age of Innocence, are not only physically attractive and beautiful human beings but are also emotionally challenging; they embody the promise of life at its fullest, of excitements taking shape, and the essence of sexual allure.

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ATTN EPHEBOS: Should I post tasteful teen nudity?

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