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Journal MarvinMouse's Journal: A note to the women and men out there

I have been noticing a disturbing trend over the last little while, and I feel it might be important to write a note to the intelligent young ladies and men out there.

This trend I have noticed is the fact that the truly intelligent young ladies and young men have not been having children, and some are not ever planning to have children. Now, I am not saying that they don't have the right to decide whether or not. What I am saying that since these people don't have children, the average intelligence level of the parents is inherently lower.

I am not saying for all intelligent people to go out there and have wild crazy orgies every night (Albeit, that is an interesting idea... hmm... :-P) Instead I am saying, perhaps it is time for us to relax a bit, not be obsessessed with the "Almighty buck," programming and getting ourselves up the corporate ladder, and instead give back a bit of our genes (which assuming that genetics are responsible somewhat for intelligence) to the world. Thus, letting a new generation of intelligent youth upon the world.

Now, there is always the inherent problem (especially for the men who are good on comps) of finding a woman who wants to be with them. My letter to the wo/men who are leary of dating/marrying/having children with a computer literate person. You need to realize that not only are most of these people intelligent, youthful, and full of potential. But also, they will be able to provide when push comes to shove. These are the managers, entrepreneurs, systems developers, programmers, innovators, etc. of the world. Wouldn't you want to have someone like that as the mother or father of your children?

Another complaint I hear is that they don't want to introduce their children into such a mean world. Well, here's an interesting thought. If only the mean people introduce their children to the world, what do you have left? The world needs, pardon my expressions, the geeks, the nerds, the non-atheletics, the hackers, etc... not just the jocks, the followers, the jerks, etc. We need these intelligent youth who may not be great at sports, but can program circles around anyone. Or these youth who may not understand the finer points of social engineering, but can develop physics to unimaginable heights. We need people who won't grow up to be workers, and instead will be the thinkers. These people are the potential children of the young ladies and men that this letter is written towards.

So... My final note to anyone on slashdot who reads this. If you have a b/f or a g/f, go and let them know how much you truly care about them. If you don't have a b/f or a g/f, get off the computer, and go and find your lover/soulmate, because no matter how hard s/he is to find, they are somewhere out there... waiting for you. ;-)

Hug your intelligent friends today, they always need to know someone cares. (and most of them like hugs.) :-)

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A note to the women and men out there

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On the eighth day, God created FORTRAN.
