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What Happened To OpenCodex? 5

QuantumG asks: "Couldn't help but notice that has disappeared. Did their $50,000 contest go with it? Is anyone out their still hoping to win?" I can only hope that the site is down for technical reasons only. I'm sure I was not the only one with high hopes for this project, and it would be a shame to discover that it's been discontinued.
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What Happened to OpenCodex?

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  • Maybe its Murphy's Law, but as of last night (12/3/00), our DNS no longer resolves due to a server failure with our ISP. They are working currently to resolve the issue, and unfortunately, won't have it resolved for at least another 24 hours.

    Thanks for your patience. eric smith

  • 3ivX [] claims that they will release a beta of their MPEG-4 codec for QuickTime on the 15th; that might give them a good shot at winning the contest. That is, if the contest was still open.

    Did OpenCodex split as soon as it looked like someone might win the contest?
  • by misterye ( 260449 ) on Sunday December 03, 2000 @05:59PM (#584661)
    I am the operator of OpenCodex. We are alive and kicking. Things have slowed down dramatically since we started up. We currently have 4 different teams working on the contest, and believe that we have something we'll be able to announce with in the coming weeks.

    The lack of site updates can be contributed to us moving servers in the last 60 days. I still have some bugs to work out with our update engine on our new server, and since we really haven't had anything to announce (aside from still existing) we haven't put anything up.

    Expect updates soon, and expect some major announcements about our next contests. We plan to go further with an audio and a still-image codec contest in the coming weeks. thank you, Eric Smith

  • The name doesn't even resolve!

    Having an outdated site is at least better than having no site IMO...

    Are you planning to base the still-image codec contest on a standard like JPEG 2000 or will it be a design-your-own-codec deal?
  • I'm getting the same here... perhaps you DNS is awry?? Maybe in that server re-location things got a bit jumbled....


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