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Modifying X-Modifiers 3

lf11 writes, "I have a problem, for which I have been unable to find any applicable documentation. I am trying to bind a combination of keys to produce one character in X-Windows. In this case, I'm trying to bind Alt + Shift + j/k/l/i to function as arrow keys. I don't know if it's an Enlightenment function ("__ACTION __KEY Left" segfaulted) or an X function."
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Modifying X-Modifiers

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    man xmodmap

    and le-HOWTO.html
  • I found xmodmap a horrible pain in the ass. Then, I got xkeycaps []. It's a graphical front-end to xmodmap, and now I've got my keyboard hacked to do everything I want (except I still can't type oe ligature, anyone know if that can be done under x?). It takes a little fiddling to get used to, but then it's great.
  • __ACTION __KEY is an E feature, but that's already covered by the Subject of this posting. I can only recommend, what the previous posts say: xmodmap!

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
