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Comment Re:at&t (Score 1) 368 Service to South Santa Clara county [and northern Santa Cruz county] is completely down: Internet,
landline, and cellphones. Both Verizon and AT&T are affected. 911 is also down. My cellphones show one or no bars. Normally they are all four bars.

The idea that all of that is lumped in one fiber bundle is mind boggling.

[apparently verizon was leasing bandwidth on the at&t fiber. ETA for repair sometime between 8 pm and midnight tonight.]

Comment at&t (Score 1) 368 has the email archives of the North American Network Operators Group. One comment: That AT&T has stopped provisioning protection fiber for automatic restoral is mind boggling. That our crack (or on crack) govt contracting/emergency-preparedness staff didn't demand protected facilities for 911 is another mind boggling issue. That there is no over-under wide-area back-up coverage for the cellular canopy ... We posture and orate about being prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters, and then events like these reveal the reality: The emperor has no clothes.

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