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Comment Re:Anyone else slightly bored of the browser wars? (Score 1) 176

Actually try testing the current IE and FF using a satellite connection and 512MB system (older AMD A51, just used for browsing). IE is brutal compared to FF in both resource usage and loading times. What good is a Sandbox if it takes four times as long to get something done or that minor cross platform thing. Even on a more current dare I say Vista box(4GB RAM), IE crashes much more often and is more sluggish than FF. Can't understand why I use Gentoo for servers... Brings to mind something Gates would say from time to time...Shobby software... Hopefully IE is built correctly this time...

Comment Hopefully you're good at Assembly Language (Score 1) 578

Kidcharles: You can do it but you'll need: A) lots of experience with ASM B) Controller's Hardware Tech. Manual (you control the controller), your BIOS Tech. Manual, your OS Tech. Manual C) A debugging hardware board and/or a couple of machines to work on. D) You should at least have some experience using BIOS INT 13h calls You may be able to accomplish what you want with just the BIOS INT 13h calls (INT stands for interrupt) which allows some pretty specific disk access. Generally how raw write/reads are done. You can also expect quite a few low level formats from making mistakes. Hope that helps some

Gamma Ray Mystery Reestablished By Fermi Telescope 95

eldavojohn writes "New observations from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal that our assumptions about the 'fog' of gamma rays in our universe are not entirely explained by black hole-powered jets emanating from active galaxies — as we previously hypothesized. For now, the researchers are representing the source of unaccounted gamma rays with a dragon (as in 'here be') symbol. A researcher explained that they are certain about this, given Fermi's observations: 'Active galaxies can explain less than 30 percent of the extragalactic gamma-ray background Fermi sees. That leaves a lot of room for scientific discovery as we puzzle out what else may be responsible.' And so we reopen the chapter on background gamma-rays in the science textbooks and hope this eventually sheds even more light on other mysteries of space — like star formation and dark matter."

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