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US Colleges Say Hiring US Students a Bad Deal 490

theodp writes "Many US colleges and universities have notices posted on their websites informing US companies that they're tax chumps if they hire students who are US citizens. 'In fact, a company may save money by hiring international students because the majority of them are exempt from Social Security (FICA) and Medicare tax requirements,' advises the taxpayer-supported University of Pittsburgh (pdf) as it makes the case against hiring its own US students. You'll find identical pitches made by the University of Delaware, the University of Cincinnati, Kansas State University, the University of Southern California, the University of Wisconsin, Iowa State University, and other public colleges and universities. The same message is also echoed by private schools, such as John Hopkins University, Brown University, Rollins College and Loyola University Chicago."

Comment Re:Wise They Are (Score 1) 271

There are more of us than you think....

I love this whole Russian Linux thing: Armada . It is about not relying too much on software that is produced in one country.
It is also about Russia getting the G7 nations and certain corporations to lay off harping about IP. The incident in Perm was not at Microsoft's insistence, but the government can say that they are "doing" something about piracy.
It may also have to do with putting a little Russian soul into the OS and building national pride?

Well played! Da Zdravstvuyet Russkij Linux!

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