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Comment Re:Shame Google dumped Motorola (Score 1) 234

I got sick of random breakage from hardware/carrier cruft and bought a moto g. (play edition, on t-mobile)

For the first time ever my phone actually works. (even maps, and voice, and usb device mode, and my favorite stupid game) Plus it's super smooth.

I might try to return and downgrade to the moto e, depending on how I feel about the motorola additions.

Comment Support is the wrong word (Score 1) 432

The moment you say "support" in an IT department, there's all this baggage of helpdesk time, and documentation, and bending over backwards.

I believe the question you wanted to ask was more along the lines of compatibility or openness. Leave that nasty S-word out of it, and you'd likely have gotten much less laughter.

Comment Nice ideas. (Score 1) 208

I would hazard a guess this article was written without the consultation of someone with facility management experience. Medium socket bulbs aren't often used for primary lighting in a work environment. HVAC has many ramifications and complications besides possible productivity effects. Nice views and indoor green spaces have all sorts of costs and considerations that may or may not work out.

Comment Re:More allergenic? (Score 1) 760

Lactic acid is in your muscles right now. Acetic acid is vinegar minus some nutrients. Peroxyacetic acid breaks down into acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.

Doesn't sound like dangerous chemicals to me. Heck, rinsing with plain old vinegar would be at least twice as acidic. (plus whatever else is in vinegar besides acetic acid.)

I'm with grandparent wondering about what these terrible chemicals are. If the issue is that chemicals have to be used at all, industrialized food production isn't going to disappear, and does have things to recommend it. (in the way of safety and scalability, which is important as populations will continue to rise in the foreseeable future)

I would much rather have meat I'll eat sprayed with some vinegar to kill off bacteria than go through a night of dehydration and vomiting with an IV in my arm at the hospital. (never order chicken strips first thing in the morning at a fast food restaurant.)

Comment facebook? (Score 1) 314

I thought that's what Google was already going for. They practically own search, and my email, most of my video consumption, and my cloudified docs. If someone ever releases a google tablet, I'll probably wind up worse than those rabid Apple fans.

Comment Re:nonsense (Score 3, Insightful) 477

Yup. Being active might make you healthier, but I wish everyone would stop equating exercise with weight loss. I wouldn't focus entirely on corn, (though it's a big stupid problem here in the US,) regardless of content people simply eat too much for the kind of lifestyle we live. (lumberjacks have an excuse. I don't.)

Comment Re:puzzle? (Score 1) 241

Not quite. Many of the "pixels" are a solid shade, but quite a few of them are various (still monochrome) gradients at variety of angles. By rotating the gradients and putting them next to certain shades or other gradient tiles, all sorts of interesting (if blurry) features can be (re)created.

Google Wants to Map Indoors, Too 174

An anonymous reader writes "Google maps are getting extended indoors next month with a new app called Micello that takes over where conventional navigators leave off — mapping your route inside of buildings, malls, convention centers and other points of interest. You don't get a 'you are here' blinking dot yet — but they do promise to add one next year using WiFi triangulation. At the introduction next month, Micello will only work in California, but they plan to expand to other major US cities during 2010."

Comment Re:This will lead to bad verdicts ... (Score 2, Interesting) 620

This is basically my fear. I have no issue with someone pulling out a phone to text while stopped at an intersection. The only way to be safe from these harsh penalties is to leave a window of at least 30 minutes before/after texting. I doubt a court is going to ask for a narrow time slice when checking phone records to prove your guilt.

And what about delayed-send messages? What if your reception at [place] is horrible, and you sent a text before getting in the car?

Comment Re:What is it? (Score 5, Informative) 118

I'll try to give a real answer:

The goal was to replace email. The result is a cross between email, threaded discussion, wiki, and instant messaging. (no, really. Live concurrent collaborative editing, along with a rewind feature so you can review the chronology in a more logical fashion) One can make gadgets that show up in a wave and allow you to interact in ways besides just typing, and there are also bots that interact with waves much like a normal user. Instead of adding some spell check the way you might normally think of it, they have a spell check bot that uses the wave collaborative editing features to highlight and potentially change your spelling. (which means someone else in the conversation could finish up doing the editing the spell check highlighted in a sentence earlier in your paragraph)

It works somewhat like email, as in once things settle down whoever can run their own wave server. And it could be integrated with, say, a blog where the comment section of a post would be a wave. (and have all that functionality, and stuff)

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